Sunday, October 31, 2010

Kondisi Serta Kegiatan Posko Lapangan PKPU di Yogyakarta dan Magelang

YOGYAKARTA - Di tengah suasana langit yang putih berkabut, disertai guyuran debu yang tak henti berterbangan. Kota Yogyakarta seakan berubah menjadi kota di negeri eropa yang mengalami datangnya musim salju. 

Disana-sini terlihat putih seperti tertutup salju, pepohonan, rumah, jalanan hingga semua benda-benda yang ada di luar semuanya sama, memutih dan seakan diam membisu. Semakin ke utara (arah merapi) ketebalan debu semakin terasa, pohon-pohon seakan keberatan menahan beban debu di tiap helai duan-daunnya.

Warga disini menghindar untuk keluar rumah bila tidak sangat merasa perlu. Maklum, walaupun debu dari merapi sudah berhenti keluar dari puncaknya, namun paparan debu yang beterbangan di jalanan serta dari dedaunan yang ada tetap saja masih cukup mampu membuat sesak nafas dan membuat mata perih. 
Dan terlihat, semua orang yang ke luar rumah dipastikan telah memakai masker dengan rapi. Di tengah suasana yang "nglangut" kata orang Yogyakarta. Suasana sepi dan senyap, karena sebagian mereka lebih suka mengurung diri di rumah. Hari Minggu (31/10/2010), tim rescue PKPU seakan berada di dunia lain. Tetap "berkeliaran"dalam ritme yang dinamis, kompak dan terjaga soliditasnya. 
Aktivitas PKPU Yogyakarta misalnya, tetap saja setia mendampingi para pengungsi dengan berbagai kegiatannya. Dan kesibukan ini semakin siang semakin padat, karena pukul 14.00 wib diadakan kegiatan pemberian makanan tambahan untuk balita. Selain itu, kegiatan penyuluhan kesehatan untuk ibu hamil dan menyusui sekaligus dengan konsultasi masalah gizi.
Sementara yang lainnya, jaringan aksi yang dilakukan PKPU Semarang seakan tak mau ketinggalan momen kepedulian ini. Dari pagi, berlangsung aksi trauma healing untuk warga pengungsi merapi di daerah Magelang, khususnya di beberapa barak di daerah Muntilan. 
Sesuai pembagian wilayah kerja, maka PKPU Semarang ditugaskan untuk mengcover aksi peduli bencana Merapi di Magelang, Boyolali dan Klaten. Aksi trauma healing sendiri dilakukan untuk para pengungsi yang ada di Tempat Pengungsian Sementara (TPS) yang berada di SD Sikepan1 Desa Srumbung, Kecamatan Srumbung. 
Aksi ini dimulai pukul 11.00 WIB bersama tim dari Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan (PSIK) Undip. Kegiatan ini diikuti sebanyak 160 orang dewasa. Begitu pula di tempat terpisah dilakukan trauma healing untuk 142 anak-anak. Kegiatan ini dilakukan bersama tim Mitra Peduli dan SDIT Al Kamilah dari Semarang. (Nas/PKPU/Yogyakarta)

PKPU Distributes Aid to Pagai Utara, Mentawai

Mentawai - KM Muci ship which carried aid and hundreds of volunteers to Mentawai Islands regency had arrived in Sikakap, Thursday (28/10/2010) at 12.45 Western Indonesian Time (WIB). The aid included two tons of rice from the national humanitarian institution PKPU.

PKPU Padang Branch Manager Faridansyah said PKPU Padang sent two tons of rice and volunteer teams for humanitarian purposes in Mentawai Islands for the next 14 days.

“In addition to rice and volunteers, we also send platoon tents, ready-to-serve food, hundreds of liter of gas, and other equipment to set up crisis unit,” Faridansyah added.

In the meantime, according to PKPU media rescue team in Mentawai, Sukismo, the main PKPU crisis unit will be established in Pasar Puat Pagai Utara. "In Pagai Utara, there are about 300 families lost houses and still stayed in hill areas. It took two hours to reach the area," Sukismo stated.

Meanwhile, 12 PKPU rescue volunteers belong to the first team. PKPU will also send the next team soon as well as medical teams and medicine. It depends on the needs in the field.

For those who want to help the disaster victims, you may transfer donation through PKPU East Java Paypal in this blog.

For information on corporate cooperation, please contact PKPU at +6231-8250034.(Acep/PKPU/Mentawai)   

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

The Tears of Indonesia...check this video out!

PEDULI BENCANA NASIONAL Gempa Guncang Mentawai, PKPU Siapkan Bantuan

JAKARTA - Hari Senin malam (25/10/2010) sekitar pukul 21:40 WIB, Kepulauan Mentawai, Sumatera Barat, diguncang gempa bumi besar 7,2 skala Richter (SR). Badan Meteorologi Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG) mencatat, episentrum gempa berlokasi di 3,74 LS-99,62 BT pada kedalaman 29 Km.

Lokasinya sekitar 110 Km barat daya Pagai Selatan, Kepulauan Mentawai. Tidak ada peringatan soal potensi tsunami menyusul gempa yang cukup besar itu. Episentrum gempa kali ini berarti tidak terlalu jauh dari gempa besar 7,2 skala Richter, Senin (25/10/2010). Saat itu, gempa berasal dari kedalaman 10 Km, sekitar 75 Km barat daya Pagai Selatan.

BMKG sempat mengingatkan soal potensi tsunami yang akan terjadi, dan dicabut beberapa saat kemudian. Ternyata, tsunami betul terjadi dan baru diketahui publik luas pada Selasa (26/10/2010) pagi.

PKPU melalui cabangnya di Padang langsung mengadakan kordinasi kecil untuk gempa Mentawai tersebut. PKPU juga menyiagakan personelnya untuk segera melakukan 'assessment' awal terkait gempa tersebut.

Selasa malam (26/10/2010) pukul 21.00 WIB, PKPU Padang diundang Gubernur Sumbar dan BPBD (Badan Penanggulangan Bencana Daerah) untuk menggelar rapat di Gubernuran membicarakan aksi bantuan bersama ke Mentawai, Rabu (27/10/2010). Rabu sore (27/10/2010) ini diberangkatkan tim gabungan ke Mentawai untuk mendistribusikan bantuan.

Saat ini, keberangkatan Tim Kemanusiaan PKPU ke Mentawai dilepas langsung oleh Direktur Utama PKPU Agung Notowiguno, Board of Trustee PKPU Suryama M Sastra, langsung dari Pelabuhan Teluk bayur, Padang, Rabu (27/10/2010) pukul 16.30 WIB

PEDULI BENCANA NASIONAL PKPU Distribusikan 2000 Masker untuk Masyarakat Lereng Merapi

27 Oktober 2010 10:23

YOGYAKARTA - Gunung teraktif didunia ini akhirnya meletus pada Selasa sore (26/5/2006) pukul 17.15 WIB. Gunung Merapi menghembuskan awan panas berwarna pekat coklat kemerahan. Luncuran awan panas dan material ini terjadi dengan intensitas yang sangat besar.

Tercatat dalam sehari Selasa kemarin, terjadi luncuran awan panas dan material sebanyak lebih dari 40 kali dengan jarak luncur mencapai 4 kilometer bahkan lebih. Luncuran awan panas ini adalah yang terbesar sejak diberlakukan status awas.

Awan panas ini juga menuju ke hulu sungai kali Gendol, Woro dan Gunung Kendil di sektor tenggara. Debu dan abu akibat dari letusan itu mempunyai daya tempuh yang sangat jauh bahkan sampai ke Gombong dan daerah lainnya yang berjarak 30 kilometer dari Merapi.

Kondisi itu langsung disikapi oleh semua tim relawan yang berada disana, termasuk Tim Rescue PKPU untuk segera melakukan evakuasi warga ke rumah sakit terdekat dengan menggunakan 2 unit ambulan. Evakuasi dengan 2 unit ambulan ini dilakukan dari Selasa malam hingga menjelang pagi, dan dilakukan secara cepat mengingat kondisi yang mengkhawatirkan.

Beberapa menit setelah terjadi letusan Merapi, tim rescue PKPU Yogyakarta langsung mendistribusikan 2000 masker untuk warga masyarakat lereng Merapi serta warga di pengungsian. Bantuan ini dilakukan mulai pukul 18.00 WIB untuk lokasi-lokasi dengan intensitas hujan abu yang sangat tinggi.

PKPU - Lembaga Kemanusiaan Nasional | Berita : Pengungsi Merapi Terus Bertambah, PKPU Evakuasi Korban ke RSUP Dr Sardjito

PKPU - Lembaga Kemanusiaan Nasional | Berita : Pengungsi Merapi Terus Bertambah, PKPU Evakuasi Korban ke RSUP Dr Sardjito

Monday, October 11, 2010

PKPU - Lembaga Kemanusiaan Nasional | Berita : PKPU Terus Bagikan Bantuan untuk Pengungsi Banjir di Wasior

PKPU - Lembaga Kemanusiaan Nasional | Berita : PKPU Terus Bagikan Bantuan untuk Pengungsi Banjir di Wasior

Friday, October 8, 2010


Rescue Program : CBDRM 
(Community Based Disaster Risk Management)

Empowering the community to handle disaster risks is an effort to create self-reliant community in dealing with disaster-risk area. The community is directly involved and responsible for the program from planning to execution. Active participation is expected to reduce the susceptibility and to strengthen the community's capacity in independently dealing with disaster risks. This also decreases the dependency towards external parties. 
PKPU presents this program in order to transfer the promptness to deal with disaster from the rescue team to the community of the disaster-risk area. This should allow quick responses and minimize the impact of the disaster

Health Program 

Budarzi (Nutrition Awareness for Mother)

Budarzi is a nutrition improvement program directed towards a community with attention given to the maintenance and improve of the nutrition on children below five years old, increasing community awareness, especially for mothers, to implement the standards of nutrition and health in preparing meals for the family, especially children below five-years old. This program also aims at facilitating and assisting, as well as optimizing local potentials in order to increase and to improve the community nutrition status. We have implemented this program in Aceh, Jakarta, Klaten.

Clean Water Supply
PKPU cooperates with donors in conducting clean water supply and sanitation facilities program at Musi Banyuasin regency and Musi Rawas regency, South Sumatera. The location of the program covers Lubuk Bintialo village, Sanga district, and Air Bening village, Rawas Ilir district 
Prosmiling Terpadu 
Mobile Community Health Program 

This integrated health program is a mobile health service conducted in integration (several health programs in one package) and is presented in popular packages. The program is disseminated free-of-charge for the disadvantaged community whose residence is distant from any health service center.
Some of the programs implemented are general treatment (doctor consultation and medicine provision), ultra sonography check-up for pregnant women, fogging services.

Green Community Program 

Green community is a community empowerment program whose orientation is towards changing the community behavior in creating healthy lifestyle and environment and improving the condition of the surrounding environment. It is targeted on disadvantaged community in a poor area that requires attention in terms of counseling on healthy environment.

Economic Program 
Economy Empowerment Synergy Program

A micro-economic empowerment program through small groups. The targeted community is the small-scale farmers, breeders, handcrafters , sellers, motorcycle taxi driver, and fishermen. These people are grouped into self-empowered groups to be given routine trainings and counseling. These groups are then combined into a cooperation which is run and managed by the members.  

Learning Center 
 An alternative aducation program which provides training of skills for spesific vocational expertise 

Education Programs 

Community-Potential-Based Education Program
An education program based on local intelligence and potential. It is conducted as a complement to the current formal education that can create students who are motivated, knowledgeable, and skillful to develop their community. The program cover school renovation, national teacher training, community based school, scholarship for future generation, and library for village.   

Teacher Allowance Program
The provision of  additional allowance for honorarium teachers in remote areas. The program aims Islamic boarding school teachers and those who present high dedication to enhance the nation's education development. 

 Foster Parent Program
The objective is to locate foster parents which would promote prestigious children from poor background in Indonesia sustainably.  


Orphan's Shopping Voucher 
Shopping Voucher Program allows orphan children from very poor background to fulfill their need of celebrating the Eid al fitr and the Hijr New Year with their own choice of required needs. 

Orphan's Education Voucher 
Education voucher Program allows orphan to shop for their choices of required educational requirements from pens and pencil to courses' textbooks. 

Orphanage program in Aceh sponsored by donors was established on February 2005,  two months after the Tsunami struck Aceh. There are five orphanages spread in some sub districts at Aceh Besar and West Aceh,  among others, at Sub District of Ingin Jaya, Darussalam, Darul Imarah, and Johan Pahlawan. 

More than 220 boy and girl orphans living in the orphanages have been educated with formal education as well as extracurrricular programs, such as joining sport club, dancing club, writing club, cooking club, drama club, etc, which are in accordance with their hobbies and interests. They are also strengthened with good moral values by habituating togetherness and sharing with others. 

Orphan's Tour Program 
Tour Program for Orphans is a program to make the orphans happy by taking them to the recreation areas, where they are able to learn about nature, kinds of plants, kinds of animal and thank God for the beautiful nature that God creates, while they are in the midst of having fun. Besides, during enjoying the program, they will be trained with life skill and moral values.  

 Indonesia Village Care (IVC)

Establishing self-sufficiency in the village community through an integrated community empowerment program, including education, health, and economy program. The aims are to improve the life quality of the community by optimizing their local resources, to implement clean healthy lifestyle , to allow wider access and opportunities for school-age children and to create a community with independent way of thinking.

Program Development Strategy 
1. Community Empowerment 
    Developing community's participation and self-sufficiency in implementing the program

2. Promoting Opportunity 
   Providing access to the community in order to improve their standard of living especially for poor family and women 

3. Enhancing Social Security 
   Enhancing the community in order to enable them to use the access of economy, education, and health for    improving their social security and standard of living

Establishing a network of cooperation among individuals and groups within the community

PKPU in Action